Apex is the European renowned company specialized in distribution of high-quality elevators, escalator brands and high-quality elevator components. Now with worldwide customer strength, clientele and innovative solutions, Apex takes the lead in the industry. Apex has the distribution rights to many Europran premium product in the category of elevators, escalators, parts, and components.
Apex also is the main shareholder for elevator, escalator and components manufacturing facility with modern high-tech machineries and state of the art technology. The factory is in 50,000m2 production facility with 1000 trained and professional technicians and engineers responsible quality products. In Apex Elevator & Escalator co, the quality is and has been the main concern.
The company, during its business operation, has always tried all its best not to ignore a strategic principle; saying, “HIGH QUALITY PRODUCT is an ABSOLUTE RIGHT for ALL CUSTOMERS.” Through employing a proper policy with respect to the issue, the group has started manufacturing and sourcing wide range of world-class products and this policy finally opened a new door to the managers, assisting them to enter negotiations with dozens of world-class companies; including, Behran ,Marrazi S.r.l, Wittur Holding GmbH, General Elevator Machines (GEM), Alberto Sassi SPA, Ziehl-Abegg SE, Gustav Wolf GmbH, Henning GmbH, Shen Tai, Dätwyler Cabling Solutions, Turkeli Ray Asansör Ray, and Canny Elevator Co., Ltd. Now, years after the commence of this constructive cooperation, Apex Elevator & Escalator Co. has turned to be regarded as the official and exclusive sales representative of many of the above companies that are now operating internationally in the world such as Germany, UAE and Iran.